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December 2024 media coverage stories

Organizations host toy giveaways in Jackson area ahead of Christmas

Children with incarcerated parents receive gifts through nonprofit giveaway

Catching up with Pauline Rogers

RECH not meeting goals to provide Christmas gifts for prisoners’ children

Our vision


2020-census(March 2020) – ​Every 10 years, the federal government attempts to count every person living in the country for the U.S. Census. However, certain populations are under-counted.  People of color, immigrants, LGBTQ  the  homeless, people living in rural areas, people with low-incomes, renters, single-parent households,  and young children are overwhelmingly under-counted in the Census.  

What’s the big deal?
The Census results affect the redrawing of district lines and distribution of representative seats . It also determines funding of social services for each state, including Medicaid, Section 8 housing vouchers, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

What does it mean to be under-counted?
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates 16-million people were not counted or possibly incorrectly
counted in the 2010 Census.  An estimated 2.1% of the black population, 1.5% of the Latino population, and 4.9% of Native Americans and Alaska Natives were under-counted.

But I thought the Census doesn’t even count us?
The formerly incarcerated exist within different populations that are under-counted and under-served. It is important for us to be counted in the 2020 Census to ensure that our communities have fair access to healthcare and social services funding. We are part of this country and we need to be represented.
Being counted means being heard – it means having our needs met.

Let’s make sure  that our voices heard in the 2020 Census!

mississippi justice-2

serving more than 4000 children

74th NAACP State Convention

(Friday, November 8, 2019 – Hattiesburg, MS)  – Honored the task of being a Panelist regarding Criminal Justice at the 74th NAACP State Convention. Victims are REAL, and being formerly incarcerated is NOT a badge of honor, however we, the impacted have the experiences of incarceration with solutions. – Pauline Rogers, Co-founder of RECH Foundation 

Pauline on a Panel
Pauline on a Panel-1

The Reaching and Educating for Community Hope (RECH) Foundation donating a tractor trailer truck of supplies to the Jackson Public School District, PIE store, Director, Thea Faulkner for deserving, undeserved, disadvantaged Schools, Teachers and Scholars to include children of Prisoners. Logistics donated by Willie Jones, President of Women for Progress in MS and Dependable Source Corp of MS, Bishop Ronnie C. Crudup Sr., Senior Pastor, New Horizon Church International, Jackson, MS, Gilbert E Young Sr., and World Vision Crew.

The Reaching and Educating for Community Hope (RECH) Foundation partnering with Pastors Houston and Christian Nathan in getting disaster relief supplies to the Tornado, and flood victims in Mississippi to include the Caregivers of Children of Prisoners!!!

truck for schools